Development of Counseling Sites with Digital Accessibility Features for the Blind and Visually Impaired Students
Web Accessibility, Accessible Counseling Services, Disability Inclusion, Assistive Technology, ADDIE modelAbstract
Current counseling services, such as those available through, lack full accessibility for students with disabilities, particularly those who are blind and visually impaired. Studies reveal significant accessibility barriers across educational websites, impeding equal access for users with disabilities. This study addresses these gaps by developing an accessible counseling platform aligned with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure inclusive access for all students. Using the ADDIE model's structured stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation, this study aims to create a technically advanced, user-centered application that enhances usability and independence for students with disabilities. Results from user acceptance testing with 11 participants indicated a high satisfaction rate of 89,33%, demonstrating that the platform effectively meets users' needs, significantly improving accessibility and usability in educational counseling services. This outcome underscores the importance of integrating accessibility standards to foster inclusivity and equitable participation in digital educational resources.
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