Classification of Movie Recommendation on Netflix Using Random Forest Algorithm




Decision Tree, Feature Selection, Random Forest, Netflix, Recommendation


Netflix is one of the most popular streaming platforms in this world. So many movies and shows with various genres and production countries are available on this platform. Netflix has their own recommendation systems for the subscribers according to their data and algorithm. This research aims to compare two methods of data classifications using Decision Tree and Random Forest algorithm and make a recommendation system based on Netflix dataset. This paper use feature importance to selecting relevant feature and how n_estimators affect the classification. In this research, Random Forest with 50 trees estimator with 96.84% accuracy before feature selection and 96.92% accuracy after feature selection has the best accuracy compared to the Decision Tree classification. Besides, Decision Tree has only 95.64% accuracy before feature selection and increases to 96.07% accuracy after feature selection. Trees estimator also affect the accuracy of Random Forest classification. After comparing the results, Random Forest with 50 trees estimators using feature selection provides best accuracy and it will be used to predict some similar movies and shows recommendation

Author Biographies

Christy Atika Sari, University of Dian Nuswantoro

Eko Hari Rachmawanto, University of Dian Nuswantoro


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