From Policy to Practice: How English Teachers Bridge the Gap in the Classroom


  • Laely Isnaeni Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Tono Suwartono Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Intan Ayu Septika Dewi Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Enggal Rininggayuh Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto



EFL, policy, Merdeka curriculum, differentiated instructions, teaching


This article explores teachers' implementation of the English Language Policy in Indonesian schools, as it has changed significantly in the last decade. We conducted this study in four public schools in the town of Banjarnegara and one private school in the town of Wonosobo, Central Java Province, Indonesia. In this study, we employed a descriptive-qualitative method. The data were obtained through interviews.  The study addresses three research questions, i.e. how is the school policy on English Language Teaching; how is the teachers’ planning on English Language Teaching; and how do the English teachers implement the policy and planning in their teaching. One school principal and five EFL teachers were interviewed for this purpose. The findings indicate that teachers’ attitudes towards English as a foreign language are influenced by their beliefs and government policy. Moreover, teachers use the curriculum to plan methodically, receive direction, and enhance their expertise. The Merdeka Curriculum allows teachers to use differentiated instructions and various approaches in learning activities, focusing on essential materials and creating a meaningful environment.

Author Biography

Tono Suwartono, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Suwartono – better known as Tono SUWARTONO in the academic and publication sphere - is a Professor of English Language Teaching at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia. He holds a bachelor's degree in English Language Teaching, a master’s degree in Linguistics for Language Teaching, and a Ph.D in Language Education. In addition, he is an internationally certified TESOL trainer. Since his first debut in the 1990s, he has conducted countless research studies and extensively published articles in national, international, as well as reputable international journals. He has travelled internationally to present at conferences and published them in conference proceedings. He has also productively authored books. He has trained thousands of teachers nationwide. His workshops include those on educational research, academic writing, test and testing and educational evaluation, learning and teaching methodology, language education, Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL/TESOL), and motivational programs. Besides working for the Govt programs such as Independent Watch Team for the school national examination and Instructor and Supervisor for Teacher Certification Program, he also serves as a peer reviewer for several journals within Indonesia and beyond, including seven internationally reputed journals indexed in Scopus.


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