The Influence of Guided Inquiry Learning and Achievement Motivation on Students' Creative Thinking Skills
guided inquiry learning, achievement motivation, creative thinking skillsAbstract
This research is a true experimental research using a 2x2 factorial design. The aim of this research is to analyze the differences in creative thinking skills between students who are taught using guided inquiry learning and students who are taught using direct learning. This research was carried out by providing treatment in the form of guided inquiry learning in the experimental class and direct learning in the control class. The results of the research show that: (1) Fcount (10.37)>(4.35) Ftable, meaning that there are differences in the creative thinking skills of students who are taught with guided inquiry learning and students who are taught with direct learning, (2) Qcount (8.07)>(4.2) Qtable, meaning that in terms of high achievement motivation there are differences in the creative thinking skills of students who are taught by guided inquiry learning and students who are taught by direct learning, (3) Qcount (5.23)> (4.2) Qtable, meaning that in terms of low achievement motivation there is a difference in the creative thinking skills of students taught using guided inquiry learning and students taught using direct learning, (4) Fcount (1.98)<(4.35) Ftable, meaning that there is no interaction between the learning model and achievement motivation on the creative thinking skills of students at SMA Negeri 1 Mambi.
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