Profile Of Science Motivation And Student Learning Outcomes On Environmental Change And Global Warming Materials


  • Unggung Eri Nugroho Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Ary Susatyo Nugroho Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Muhammad Syaipul Hayat Universitas PGRI Semarang



science motivation, learning outcomes, environmental change


The need to achieve in life triggers persistent efforts and responses. As a result, a person develops determination, aspirations and motivation to achieve optimal learning outcomes. This research involved 312 students from phase E class X – 4 SMA Negeri 1 Batangan, consisting of 9 classes. The research sample consisted of 32 students in one class who were chosen randomly. The research results revealed that the highest motivation score from Science Motivation was 75%, some students lacked a deep understanding of the reasons for choosing their career with a percentage of 67.30%. Based on the measurement of learning outcomes, it was found that 56% of students had achieved the KKTP, but there were still 44% who had not achieved the KKTP. At level C2 (understanding) it is shown that this class obtained a result of 89%, this indicates that the majority of students have obtained adequate conceptual knowledge. At the C3 (applying) level, this class also shows a fairly good achievement percentage, namely 76%. Shows that most students already have procedural knowledge that allows them to apply concepts and principles in new situations. At level C4 (analyzing), the achievement percentage decreases to 55% indicating that only some students have adequate mastery of conceptual and procedural knowledge. At level C5 (evaluating), the achievement percentage is also relatively low, namely 58%. This condition shows that many students do not yet have strong metacognitive knowledge to be able to evaluate effectively.


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