Profile Of Students' Creative Thinking Skills And Science Literacy In Science Learning At SMP N 12 Pekalongan


  • Triyanti Marfiana
  • Fenny Roshayanti Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Intan Indiati Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Muhammad Syaipul Hayat Universitas PGRI Semarang



Creative thinking, Scientific literacy, Science Learning, Profil of Student


Based on the results of the PISA study in 2022, it shows that the literacy level of Indonesian students is still far from the global education average. PISA also examines students' creative thinking abilities which shows that only 5% of Indonesian students are considered proficient in creative thinking. This shows that the level of creative thinking ability of Indonesian students is at a very low score. This research aims to describe the profile of students' creative thinking skills and scientific literacy of class IX students at SMPN 12 Pekalongan in science learning for the 2023/2024 academic year. The research subjects were 25 students in class IX of SMP N 12 Pekalongan. The research method used is descriptive quantitative by collecting data using essay test questions which are explained based on indicators of creative thinking skills and scientific literacy. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The average research results for students' creative thinking skills were 47% so they were categorized as sufficient. Based on the indicators, fluency of 56% was categorized as sufficient, flexibility/flexibility of 44% was categorized as good, authenticity/originality of 48% was categorized as sufficient and detail/elaboration of 52% was categorized as sufficient. Scientific literacy results obtained an average of 36% so it is categorized as sufficient. Based on the indicator of the scientific knowledge aspect, the result was 52% in the sufficient category, the result for the understanding of science aspect was 52% in the sufficient category and the result for the attitude towards science aspect was 56% in the good category. The results of creative thinking skills and scientific literacy at SMP N 12 Pekalongan are still in the sufficient category, so it is necessary for teachers to analyze the profile of students' creative thinking skills and scientific literacy in science learning in order to improve their creative thinking skills and scientific literacy to be better or very good.


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