Profile of Misconseptions of Grade VII Students of SMP N 1 Sambong on Temperature, Heat and Expansion Materials


  • setyaningsih setyaningsih
  • Nizaruddin
  • Nur Khoiri
  • Harto Nuroso
  • Siti Patonah





The purpose of this study is to identify students' misconceptions about the concepts of temperature, heat and expansion and describe the profile of misconceptions that occur. The subjects of the study used were 32 students of SMP Negeri 1 Sambong Blora district class VII B. The research instrument used was a diagnostic test with the CRI (Certainty of Response Index) method in the form of multiple choice. Based on the test results, students are grouped into 5 categories, namely concept understanding (PK), not understanding concept (TPK), misconception (M), lucky guess (LG) and neutral (N). The percentage of students who understand the concept is only 49.8%, students who do not understand the concept by 5.7%, lucky guess students by 3.0%, students in the neutral category by 16.8% while students who experience misconceptions reach 24.7%. The highest percentage of misconceptions occurred in the concept of temperature and heat, which was 34%.


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