Educalingua is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal publishing original research on the intersections of language education, literature, linguistics, and culture in global and local contexts. The journal encompasses a variety of topics examining how the language issues impact individual and group language learning and intersect with literature, linguistics and culture. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with languages other than English as well.

In order to publish in Educalingua, research needs to have a main focus on first, second, foreign, or indigenous language (or non-standard dialects) and their intersection with education, literature, linguistics, or culture.

We welcome a range of subjects, theoretical orientations, and methodological approaches in such areas of current analysis in:

  • first, second, foreign, or indigenous language teaching and learning;
  • multilingualism and multilingual education;
  • bilingualism and bilingual education;
  • language skills
  • language testing and evaluation;
  • curriculum development and implementation;
  • methods for language teaching;
  • discourse analysis;
  • translation;
  • literature
  • applied linguistics
  • culture in language education
  • gender and equality in language education
  • language learning and identity.