Identification of Student Misconceptions in the Digestive System Material for Class VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah


  • chabibah
  • siti fatonah Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • harto nuroso



Misconceptions, Digestive System, Madrasah


In the process of learning Science in schools, students often experience misconceptions regarding the digestive system material. This research aims to identify students' misconceptions about the digestive system material and determine the contributing factors. This study employs a survey research design with purposive sampling from class VIII B at MTs Fatahillah. The data collection method involves essay tests, the Certainty Response of Index (CRI) technique, and interviews. Data analysis determines the CRI value for each student's response to essay questions based on a 0-5 scale. The findings of this research reveal that the average percentage of misconceptions in the digestive system is 29%, categorized as low. Four concepts within the digestive system material exhibit misconceptions: digestive organs (12.4%), digestive system processes (23.4%), digestive system disorders (22%), and preventive measures for digestive system diseases (18%). The factors contributing to misconceptions originate from students, teachers, textbooks, and teaching strategies. The implications of this research can assist teachers in improving the quality of teaching, enhancing student understanding, and creating a more effective learning environment


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